what is blended learning

Blended Learning: Definition, Benefit, and Example You Need to Know

Hey there fellow educators! Are you feeling stuck in your teaching methods and looking for a way to shake things up? Look no further than blended learning!

In this article, we’ll dive into why blended learning is a must-try for all educators. By the end, you’ll be convinced that blended learning can take your teaching to the next level!

What is Blended Learning?

Blended learning combines traditional classroom instruction with technology-based methods, allowing learners to access in-person instruction and online resources. It enables a personalised learning experience by providing access to online materials such as videos and readings and allowing participation in online discussions and digital assessments.

Blended learning is becoming more prevalent in K-12 schools and higher education. It is an approach that many institutions are adopting as it is seen as an effective way of improving learner engagement, motivation, and achievement.

Why Blended Learning Benefits Educators?

As educators, we’re always looking for new and innovative ways to improve our teaching and engage our learners. Blended learning offers just that by combining traditional classroom instruction with a new set of tools to enhance teaching.

Let’s explore the numerous advantages of blended learning for you and its influence on the future of education.

1. Flexibility in Lesson Planning and Instruction

Gone are the days of being stuck to a rigid curriculum and feeling like you’re just going through the motions. With blended learning, educators can create a unique curriculum by using different teaching strategies that cater to the diverse needs of your learners.

Educators can use online videos and interactive activities to supplement traditional lectures and online discussions and quizzes to assess learner understanding. This approach frees class time for more hands-on activities, group work, and one-on-one consultation.

2. Increased Learner Engagement and Motivation

With online discussions and quizzes, learners can actively participate in their learning and connect with their classmates. Not only is this more enjoyable for them, it also helps boost their motivation to learn and retain information better.

Find more article to increase learners engagement during online learning here.

3. Access to a Wealth of Online Resources

As an educator, adopting blended learning will have access to a wealth of resources that can enhance your instruction. You can access many online materials, such as videos, readings, and interactive activities that can supplement traditional lectures and activities.

4. Increased Opportunities for Collaboration

With blended learning, educators can team up to create digital resources that cater to different learning styles and abilities. You can also collaborate to design online discussions and activities that allow learners to learn from one another.

5. Time-Saving and Increased Efficiency

There will be no more boring lesson planning, and hello to extra free time with blended learning! This innovative teaching method allows you to easily tailor instruction for each learner, which means more time for what you are best at: teaching! Plus, you’ll have more time to yourself since you won’t be bogged down with tedious admin tasks.

6. Increased Professional Development Opportunities

No more monotonous professional development opportunities. With blended learning, educators can join forces with their colleagues and become a part of a dynamic professional learning community.

Picture yourself surrounded by a community of fellow educators where you can swap teaching tips, get feedback on your lessons and stay on top of the latest and greatest teaching strategies all in one place. That’s precisely what blended learning can provide, giving you the tools to take your teaching game to the next level.

7. Improved Assessment and Feedback

Say goodbye to the never-ending pile of homework and tests to grade! With blended learning, grading becomes a breeze with an auto-marking feature. Imagine giving instant feedback to your learners not just in text but also in audio and video format. And, no more waiting until all learners finish their work as you can monitor their attempt progress in real-time.

With blended learning, you can use tools to send assignments straight to your learners’ devices. They can work on it at their own pace and submit it whenever they want. This means you, as an educator, can give feedback more frequently than ever before and help your learners improve in real-time.

Find out more about type of assessment and how technology can help to assess your student better and more precise by clicking the link here

8. Increased Opportunities for Learner Self-Directed Learning

Blended learning gives learners the power to take charge of their learning journey by allowing them to work at their own pace, focus on their areas of interest and engage in interactive digital assessments.

Not only does this make learning more fun and engaging, but it also helps learners to develop essential critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It’s a win-win for learner success!

9. Improved Communication With Parents and Guardians

Blended learning can keep parents and guardians in the loop like never before! With online tools, educators can easily share updates on learner progress, assignments and grades. This can increase transparency and communication between educators, parents and guardians. 

Parents and guardians can also access online resources and participate in online discussions, which can help them understand better and support their child’s learning.

Example of Blended Learning

Are you ready to take your teaching game to the next level? We’ve already talked about all the amazing benefits of blended learning, but how do you know which type is right for you?

Well, have no fear! Let’s explore some exciting examples of blended learning that you can easily incorporate into your classroom. Pick and choose the styles that align with your teaching method and watch your learners soar.

1. Flipped Classroom

Think of it like this, a Flipped Classroom is like turning traditional teaching upside down! Instead of sitting through lectures in class, learners get to watch them at home, like a movie. And then, when they come to class, it’s all about hands-on fun and putting their knowledge to the test.

This helps learners learn at their own pace and review materials as often as needed. Plus, who doesn’t love a good movie night before class?

2. Station Rotation

Imagine a classroom where learners constantly move, rotating through different stations designed to cater to their learning styles. That’s exactly what blended learning Station Rotation is all about!

This innovative approach blends traditional classrooms with technology-based methods, allowing learners to engage in various activities such as online discussions, digital assessments, and independent practice. So, this fits you if you want learners to have a dynamic learning experience.

3. Online Learning with Synchronous Sessions

Online learning with synchronous sessions is like the best of both worlds! Learners have fun, learn on their own time with online activities and connect with their educators and classmates during live, virtual class sessions. 

It’s like having a virtual classroom party where you can ask questions, join in discussions, and get real-time help from your educator. It’s perfect for pandemic times or if you want to switch things up in your teaching experience.

4. Self-paced Learning

Self-paced learning allows learners to have the freedom to move through the material at their own pace. Instead of being tied to a traditional classroom schedule, learners can work on learning activities whenever it’s convenient.

This is the perfect approach for educators who want to empower their learners to take charge of their learning. This method allows learners to engage and be responsible in their education, and achieve their learning goals fully.

5. Lab Rotation

Get ready for a change of scenery! The Lab Rotation model shakes things by taking your learners through different physical locations for various activities. Unlike the Station Rotation model, where learners stay put in one classroom, the Lab Rotation is a real adventure for the senses.

Lab Rotation is perfect for learners to explore and discover the best learning materials by physically moving to different rooms. You, as an educator, will always stand by in another room to provide personalised attention in a small group.

6. Game-based Learning

Do your learners love to play games? Then this might be perfect to implement in your class, from role-playing games to digital simulations and interactive quizzes. The possibilities are endless!

Game-based learning is often used to teach Math, Science, and History subjects. It can also be used to teach problem-solving, critical thinking, and collaboration skills. It’s perfect for classes who love to learn through play, and it’s sure to keep them engaged and motivated throughout the learning process.

7. Project-based Learning

Project-based learning is like a real-life treasure hunt, where learners can be detectives and solve a mystery using their brain power! It’s all about diving into a fun, challenging project requiring critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork skills.

It is often used in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) subjects but can also be applied to other subjects. It’s perfect if you want to promote deeper learning and get ready to watch your learners connect what they’re learning and the world around them and see them thrive in a more profound, more meaningful way.

Ready For Next Level Teaching with Blended Learning?

In conclusion, blended learning is a powerful approach that combines traditional classroom teaching with technology-based methods, creating personalised and flexible learning experiences for learners. With the right tools, blended learning can be implemented easily! Here we introduce you to SmartJen.

With SmartJen, educators can easily keep track of each learner’s strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to provide targeted and personalised instruction. SmartJen makes grading a breeze, saving educators valuable time and energy.

With the power of blended learning and tools like SmartJen, educators can create a dynamic and engaging learning environment to help learners reach their full potential. Click here to get a demo!

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